Discover the therapeutic power of art and play therapy
Achieve expertise in creatively working with clients of all ages
Learn about innovative ways to transform your therapeutic practice
Online Clinical Art & Play Therapy Training Program
We offer a complete and comprehensive postgraduate training program to qualified counselling clinicians looking to gain postgraduate specialised knowledge and skills in clinical art and play therapy.
We deliver a four tier, scaffolded training program consisting of introductory workshops, a postgraduate certificate course, a postgraduate diploma course, and masterclass electives. All our training and supervision are delivered online, with face-to-face in-service and residential training options available in Australia, Asia, Europe, New Zealand, and the UK.
Our training is internationally accredited with the CPD Standards Office (UK) and CPD hours completed through the Academy can be used to meet the annual CPD requirements with your clinical board/association.
Training program
An Introduction to Clinical Art & Play Therapy
An Introduction to Sandplay Therapy
An Introduction to Child-Centred Play Therapy
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art & Play Therapy
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy
Clinical Art & Play Therapy Supervision
Clinical Art & Play Therapy Research
Writing and Publishing on Clinical Art & Play Therapy
i. An Introduction to Clinical Art & Play Therapy
ii. An Introduction to Sandplay Therapy
iii. An Introduction to Child-Centred Therapy
The introductory workshops are designed to provide you with introductory knowledge of the main components and approaches involved in clinical art and play therapy practice. Each workshop includes a Welcome Starter Pack that is mailed to you. The materials in the Welcome Starter Pack will enable you to complete some of the practical activities presented in the workshops and provide you with a first-hand experiential experience to reflect on the benefits and uses of clinical art and play therapy practice. You will also have the option of engaging with the presenter and fellow students via a few different online formats.
The workshops are self-paced, allowing you to view the materials and complete the activities in your own time. You will have 3 months to complete the workshop activities from the time you receive your Welcome Starter Pack and login details.
The 3 introductory workshops have all been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 22 hours CPD each. The workshop CPD hours can be used for your annual CPD requirements with your clinical board/association.

An Introduction to Clinical Art & Play Therapy

The terms art therapy and play therapy are used by different professions and occupations to mean different things. This can cause confusion for counselling clinicians when choosing quality postgraduate training in art and play therapy that is suitable for a counselling context and grounded in core principles associated with therapeutic safety and clinical rigour.This workshop introduces the Academy’s unique and comprehensive clinical art and play therapy training program which has been designed specifically for qualified counselling clinicians who want to gain knowledge and skills in applying art and play mediums, methods, and modalities to enhance therapeutic outcomes with clients of all ages.
The aim of this introductory workshop is to introduce the core theoretical, conceptual, and practical components involved in clinical art and play therapy practice. It focuses on understanding the importance of safely and effectively facilitating symbolic, metaphoric, and multisensory modes of communication to assess and address a wide range of psychological issues and needs.
The workshop also provides you with an opportunity to take part in practical exercises involving several art and play therapy mediums, methods, and modalities used in the initial stages of the therapeutic process. These include directive art and play therapy activities used in building the therapeutic relationship, conducting an intake assessment, and engaging in case formulation using a whole person approach. The activities include:
- family play aquariums
- family play genograms
- image cards and image card-making
- mandala-making
- playdoh, clay, plasticine, paint, charcoal, pastels
- projective drawing techniques
- puppets
- sandplay figurines and symbols
- sensory processing techniques
- somatic awareness techniques
- storytelling and story-making
Case examples of child, adolescent, and adult clients are presented to illustrate the theoretical, conceptual, and practical applications outlined in the workshop. The workshop also includes interviews with Registered Clinical Art & Play Therapists (ClinAPTs)™ who share their experiences and insights about applying the theoretical frameworks and practical activities outlined in this workshop.
Learning objectives
- Define clinical art and play therapy and distinguish it from related fields of practice.
- Identify the key developmental stages of play and how they relate to physical, emotional, and social development across the lifespan.
- Outline the fundamental neurodevelopmental and neurosequential principles that guide art and play therapy practice.
- Identify the influence of the “image of the child” on clinical practice.
- Identify the key features of a whole person approach to case conceptualisation.
- Summarise the main components of directive and non-directive (child-centred) art and play therapy approaches.
- Identify the unique therapeutic and expressive powers of art and play and how they are used in clinical practice.
- Identify the benefits of art and play therapy with different age groups and different needs.
- Identify key historical figures and developments in art and play therapy practice.
- Depict the basic components and features of the Academy’s theoretical and conceptual framework to guide clinical art and play therapy practice.
- Describe the basic principles of emotional safety when using art and play therapy.
- Identify relevant art and play therapy activities to engage clients based on their age and individual preferences.
- Identify different art and play therapy techniques and activities used in case formulation and the intake assessment process.
- Identify key considerations when using art and play therapy with 3 different age groups – children, young people, and adults.
- Outline the main principles and steps involved in introducing and unpacking art and play therapy products with clients when using a directive approach.
- Identify the main resources and considerations required when setting up a directive playroom and/or a mobile art and play therapy kit.
- Locate relevant art and play therapy literature, research, resources, and support.
- Respond to common misconceptions about using art and play therapy in clinical counselling contexts.
- Summarise key evidence-based practice principles and how they are applied to clinical art and play therapy practice.
- Summarise the main ethical and legal considerations when assessing and documenting art and play therapy sessions.
Entry criteria
1. Registration or membership with a clinical board/association: you are required to hold registration or membership with a relevant clinical body associated with regulating the practice of counselling, clinical/mental health social work, psychology, psychotherapy, or psychiatry in your country of work.†
2. Counselling employment: you are required to be engaged in counselling employment with an understanding that the application of art and play therapy is to be practiced in the context of a therapeutic relationship in an appropriate confidential counselling setting.
3. English proficiency: you are required to have a professional working proficiency in English (written and spoken).
†Student or intern membership/registration with a relevant clinical board is accepted for enrolment into the introductory workshops but full membership/registration is required for enrolment into the postgraduate certificate, diploma and masterclass elective courses.
Delivery and support
- This workshop is delivered online and is self-paced so you will be able to view the materials and complete the workshop activities in your own time.
- You will receive a Welcome Starter Pack in the mail with the art and play materials required to participate in the art and play therapy activities covered in the workshop.
- You have the option of interacting with the presenter by asking questions or leaving comments via the online discussion tab or via email (whichever you prefer) and the presenter will respond to you typically within 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays). We also provide you with the option of using video emails if you prefer a more visual interface with the presenter.
22 CPD hours
Start Date
Applications open in February 2024.
Finish Date
You will have 3 months to complete the workshop activities from the time you receive your Welcome Starter Pack and login details.
(+GST charged to Australian residents only)What’s included
- A Welcome Starter Pack with art and play therapy resources sent to you via mail (postal tracking number provided).
- Exclusive access to the Academy’s online Learning Management System (LMS).
- Self-paced access to workshop presentation.
- Digital copy of presentation handouts which can be downloaded and printed.
- Online Q&A with the presenter.
- Online group chat with other participants (optional).
- Resource list to assist you prepare to setup your clinical art and play therapy space.
- Reading list of key art and play therapy texts, articles, and research papers.
Optional extras
If you would like to consolidate your learning outcomes in this introductory workshop, you have the option of booking individual supervision with Dr Rosa Bologna. Contact the Academy for session costs and availability.Presenter
The workshop is designed and presented by the Academy’s director, psychologist Dr Rosa Bologna, with guest speakers included in the presentation of the workshop.
CPD accreditation
The workshop has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 22 hours of CPD. The workshop CPD hours can be used for your annual CPD requirements with your clinical board/association.
What you receive upon completion
A certificate of completion from the Academy of Art & Play Therapy stipulating 22 hours of accredited CPD have been completed with the CPD Standards Office (UK).
Learning pathways upon completion
Apply for An Introduction to Sandplay Therapy and An Introduction to Child-Centred Play Therapy to complete the Academy’s introductory workshop series.
Further information
For further information about this workshop, please refer to the Academy’s Student Handbook.
Training Summary
An Introduction to Clinical Art & Play TherapyCode
IPW101Entry criteria
Registration or membership with clinical board/association + counselling employmentDelivery
Online (self-paced)Start Date
Applications open February 2024Duration
22 CPD hoursCost
(+GST charged to Australian residents only)Presenter
Dr Rosa BolognaCPD Accreditation
Accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 22 CPD hours
An Introduction to Sandplay Therapy

At the heart of effective therapeutic practice is understanding the symbolic language of the unconscious and how it expresses itself in people’s language, thoughts, behaviour, and even dreams. Sandplay therapy is an expressive modality that facilitates this symbolic language of the psyche. Sandplay therapy has a long history and is based on the pioneering work of paediatrician Margaret Lowenfeld in the 1920s and was further developed and refined by Jungian analyst Dora Kalff in the 1950s. It consists of the systematic selection of symbols (figurines and miniatures) used to create miniature worlds or scenes in a prescribed-sized sand tray.Sandplay therapy is a powerful technique which facilitates the symbolic expression of the psyche whereby the unconscious and non-verbal are made visible in a 3-dimensional landscape. Sandplay therapy can be used to explore a wide range of psychological issues and needs with clients of all ages, and it can be used in individual therapy as well as in family and couples’ therapy.
The aim of this introductory workshop is to introduce the core theoretical, conceptual, and practical components involved in sandplay therapy. The workshop provides you with an opportunity to take part in practical exercises involving several sandplay activities used in the initial stages of the therapeutic process such as building the therapeutic relationship, intake assessment, and case formulation.
Case examples of child, adolescent, and adult clients are presented to illustrate the theoretical, conceptual, and practical applications outlined in the workshop. The workshop also includes interviews with Registered Clinical Art & Play Therapists (ClinAPTs)™ who share their experiences and insights about applying the theoretical frameworks and practical activities outlined in this workshop.
Learning objectives
- Define sandplay therapy and identify how it is used in a clinical counselling context.
- Identify key historical figures and developments in sandplay therapy practice.
- Identify the main resources and considerations required when setting up a sandplay therapy room or a mobile sandplay therapy kit.
- Summarise the main components of directive and non-directive sandplay therapy approaches.
- Distinguish between sensory, literal, and symbolic expressions in sandplay therapy.
- Identify key benefits of sandplay therapy with different age groups and different client needs.
- Outline different theoretical and conceptual frameworks used to guide, understand, and interpret sandplay therapy.
- Identify the main considerations when deciding whether to use sanplay therapy with a client.
- Describe the basic principles of emotional safety when using sandplay therapy.
- Outline the principles of containment and temenos as they relate to sandplay therapy.
- Identify key considerations and steps when introducing sandplay therapy to children, young people, and adults.
- Identify different sandplay therapy techniques and activities used in case formulation and the intake assessment process.
- Outline the main principles and steps involved in introducing and unpacking sandplay therapy activities with clients when using a directive approach.
- Outline the uses of silence and sound in sanplay therapy work.
- Outline the developmental stages of sandplay therapy.
- Describe the key child archetypes that present in sandplay therapy.
- Outline how sandplay therapy promotes neural integration.
- Identify the processes involved in identifying and addressing transference and countertransference issues when using sandplay therapy.
- Summarise the main ethical and legal considerations when assessing and documenting sandplay therapy sessions.
- Locate relevant sandplay therapy literature, research, resources, and support.
Entry criteria
Completion of the Academy’s An Introduction to Clinical Art & Play Therapy workshop.
Delivery and support
- This workshop is delivered online and is self-paced so you will be able to view the materials and complete the workshop activities in your own time.
- You will receive a Welcome Starter Pack in the mail with the sandplay materials required to participate in the activities covered in the workshop.
- You have the option of interacting with the presenter by asking questions or leaving comments via the online discussion tab or via email (whichever you prefer) and the presenter will respond to you typically within 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays). We also provide you with the option of using video emails if you prefer a more visual interface with the presenter.
22 CPD hours
Start date
Applications open May 2024.
Finish date
You will have 3 months to complete the workshop activities from the time you receive your Welcome Starter Pack and login details.
(+GST charged to Australian residents only)What’s included
- A Welcome Starter Pack with sandplay resources sent to you via mail (postal tracking number provided).
- Exclusive access to the Academy’s online Learning Management System (LMS).
- Self-paced access to workshop presentation.
- Digital copy of presentation handouts which can be downloaded and printed.
- Online Q&A with the presenter.
- Online group chat with other participants (optional).
- Resource list to assist you prepare to setup your sandplay therapy space.
- Reading list of key sandplay therapy texts, articles, and research papers.
Optional extras
If you would like to consolidate your learning outcomes in this introductory workshop, you have the option of booking individual supervision with Dr Rosa Bologna. Contact the Academy for session costs and availability.Presenter
The workshop is designed and presented by the Academy’s director, psychologist Dr Rosa Bologna, with guest speakers included in the presentation of the workshop.
CPD accreditation
The workshop has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 22 hours of CPD. The workshop CPD hours can be used for your annual CPD requirements with your clinical board/association.
What you receive upon completion
A certificate of completion from the Academy of Art & Play Therapy stipulating 22 hours of accredited CPD have been completed with the CPD Standards Office (UK).
Learning pathways upon completion
Apply for An Introduction to Child-Centred Play Therapy to complete the Academy’s introductory workshop series.
Further information
For further information about this workshop, please refer to the Academy’s Student Handbook.
Training Summary
An Introduction to Sandplay TherapyCode
IPW102Entry criteria
Completion of An Introduction to Clinical Art & Play Therapy workshopDelivery
Online (self-paced)Start Date
Applications open May 2024Duration
22 CPD hoursCost
(+GST charged to Australian residents only)Presenter
Dr Rosa BolognaCPD Accreditation
Accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 22 CPD hours
An Introduction to Child-Centred Play Therapy

When working therapeutically with children, it is imperative to understand and use their natural medium for self-expression – play. Using the therapeutic powers of play within a clinical counselling framework is at the heart of child-centred play therapy. Child-centred play therapy is a non-directive yet highly systematic approach founded on the principles of person-centred therapy and attachment theory. It is based on the pioneering work of child psychologist Virginia Axline who developed the approach in the 1940s.Child-centred play therapy focuses on creating an environment characterised by unconditional positive regard, safety, and empathic understanding with the overall aim of focusing on the child’s whole self rather than their presenting issue or challenging behaviour. This whole-self approach includes facilitating, accepting, and assisting the child process a range of emotions including emotions they are not often able to safely express and process in other settings.
The aim of this introductory workshop is to provide you with an introduction to child-centred play therapy and its uses in a clinical counselling context. It focuses on introducing the key theoretical, conceptional and practical components for using child-centred play therapy with children aged 2-12 years presenting with a wide range of psychological issues and needs. The workshop also covers using child-centred play therapy with adolescent populations, particularly those who are on the autism spectrum and those who experience emotional developmental delays. The workshop provides you with an opportunity to take part in practical child-centred play therapy activities involving key components of child-centred play therapy practice.
Case examples of child and adolescent clients are presented to illustrate the theoretical, conceptual, and practical applications outlined in the workshop. The workshop also includes interviews with Registered Clinical Art & Play Therapists (ClinAPTs)™ who share their experiences and insights about applying the child-centred play therapy approach presented in this workshop.
Learning objectives
- Define child-centred therapy and how it is different to play taking place outside a clinical context.
- Identify key historical figures and developments in child-centred play therapy.
- Outline the foundational theoretical framework and principles of child-centred play therapy.
- Outline the fundamental neurodevelopmental and neurosequential processes taking place in child-centred play therapy.
- Identify key benefits of child-centred play therapy for children presenting with different issues and needs.
- Identify the main resources required when setting up a child-centred play therapy room or a mobile child-centred play therapy kit.
- Identify main considerations when customising a child-centred play therapy room for clients with diverse needs.
- Summarise how the Reggio Emilia philosophy and principles can be used to enrich child-centred play therapy practice.
- Outline the 4 main skills required to conduct child-centred play therapy in a clinical counselling context.
- Identify the main considerations when deciding whether to use child-centred play therapy with a child.
- Summarise guidelines for introducing and using child-centred play therapy with different age groups (toddler, pre-school, and school-aged children).
- Describe the basic principles of emotional and physical safety when using child-centred play therapy.
- Distinguish between sensory, literal, and symbolic expressions in child-centred play therapy.
- Distinguish between trauma and non-trauma play in child-centred play therapy.
- Identify and describe relevant theoretical and conceptual frameworks used to interpret children’s play and how these frameworks are used in the case formulation process.
- Outline the main considerations when discussing child-centred play therapy with parents and key stakeholders.
- Describe common misconceptions about using child-centred play therapy and identify appropriate responses to these misconceptions.
- Identify the processes involved in identifying and addressing transference and countertransference issues in child-centred play therapy.
- Summarise the main ethical and legal considerations when assessing and documenting child-centred play therapy sessions.
- Locate relevant child-centred play therapy literature, research, resources, and support.
Entry criteria
Completion of the Academy’s An Introduction to Sandplay Therapy workshop.
Delivery and support
- This workshop is delivered online and is self-paced so you will be able to view the materials and complete the workshop activities in your own time.
- You will receive a Welcome Starter Pack in the mail with the art and play materials required to participate in the activities covered in the workshop.
- You have the option of interacting with the presenter by asking questions or leaving comments via the online discussion tab or via email (whichever you prefer) and the presenter will respond to you typically within 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays).
22 CPD hours
Start date
Applications open August 2024.
Finish date
You will have 3 months to complete the workshop activities from the time you receive your Welcome Starter Pack and login details.
(+GST charged to Australian residents only)What’s included
- A Welcome Starter Pack with child-centred play therapy resources sent to you via mail (postal tracking number provided).
- Exclusive access to the Academy’s online Learning Management System (LMS).
- Self-paced access to workshop presentation.
- Digital copy of presentation handouts which can be downloaded and printed.
- Online Q&A with the presenter.
- Online group chat with other participants (optional).
- Resource list to assist you prepare to setup your child-centred play therapy space.
- Reading list of key child-centred therapy texts, articles, and research papers.
Optional extras
If you would like to consolidate your learning outcomes in this introductory workshop, you have the option of booking individual supervision with Dr Rosa Bologna. Contact the Academy for session costs and availability.Presenter
The workshop is designed and presented by the Academy’s director, psychologist Dr Rosa Bologna, with guest speakers included in the presentation of the workshop.
CPD accreditation
The workshop has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 22 hours of CPD. The workshop CPD hours can be used for your annual CPD requirements with your clinical board/association.
What you receive upon completion
A certificate of completion from the Academy of Art & Play Therapy stipulating 22 hours of accredited CPD have been completed with the CPD Standards Office (UK).
Learning pathways upon completion
Apply for the Academy’s Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art & Play Therapy.
Further information
For further information about this workshop, please refer to the Academy’s Student Handbook.
Training Summary
An Introduction to Child-Centred Play TherapyCode
IPW103Entry criteria
Completion of An Introduction to Sandplay Therapy workshopDelivery
Online (self-paced)Start Date
Applications open August 2024Duration
22 CPD hoursCost
Dr Rosa BolognaCPD Accreditation
Accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 22 CPD hours
The course has been developed from a practice-based perspective in that it is designed to be tailored to meet the needs of your specific clients and your particular workplace. The customisation process is achieved by providing you with high quality individual supervision delivered on a fortnightly basis throughout the course, which aims to assist you tailor the course content to your own clients and your workplace circumstances.
The course work component of the course is delivered online and is self-paced and therefore is ideal if you work part-time or full-time. The individual supervision component is delivered fortnightly via Zoom, and morning, afternoon and evening appointments are available.The course duration is 9 months and you will have 12 months to complete the assessment tasks.
The postgraduate certificate course has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 220 hours CPD. Both the course work and supervision components of the course can be used for your annual CPD and supervision requirements with your clinical board/association.

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art & Play Therapy

There are a divergent number of approaches that characterise the art and play therapy training landscape. Some focus exclusively on offering training in just one approach (e.g., child-centred play therapy), or one technique (e.g., sandplay therapy), or one issue (e.g., trauma focused play therapy) or one age group (e.g., children). The Academy’s Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art and Play Therapy is focused on developing your foundational knowledge and skills in applying a rich range of art and play therapy mediums, methods, and modalities to address multiple psychological issues and needs with children, adolescents, and adults. We believe our comprehensive training approach facilitates a more tailored approach for your clients allowing you to be better equipped to meet their individual and often changing needs.Aims
The aim of the postgraduate certificate course is to provide 8 core subjects that cover the fundamentals of clinical art and play therapy practice. These include:
- play history assessments and development across the life span
- professional practice, reflective practice and ethical decision-making
- relational practices, diversity, and inclusion
- the therapeutic frame, working with third parties and legal considerations
- case formulation, theoretical frameworks, and evidence-based practice in clinical art and play therapy
- directive clinical art and play therapy for multiple psychological issues and needs
- child-centred play therapy for multiple psychological issues and needs
- session notes, counselling plans and progress reports
Case examples of child, adolescent, and adult clients are presented to illustrate the theoretical, conceptual, and practical applications outlined in the course. The course also includes interviews with Registered Clinical Art & Play Therapists (ClinAPTs)™ who share their experiences and insights about applying the course material in their counselling practices.
Course structure
The postgraduate certificate level course consists of 3 main components:
1. Coursework: the coursework is delivered online which is completed via a self-paced learning format. Coursework consists of pre-recorded lectures, video demonstrations, presentation slides, and compulsory and recommended You can view the pre-recorded content in your own time. There are quizzes, short answer questions and reflective questions throughout the coursework to help you reflect on and consolidate your learning.
2. Assessments: the assessment tasks for this course are practice-based and designed to directly relate to your workplace activities. For example, for the subject PGC201008 Session notes, counselling plans and progress reports, one of the assessment tasks involves developing a counselling plan for a client you are currently seeing and using art and play therapy with.
3. Individual supervision: individual supervision sessions take place once a fortnight via Zoom for a duration of 1.5 hours per session. Mutually convenient days and times for individual supervision sessions are organised at the beginning of each semester. The focus of individual supervision is to provide you with an opportunity to explore any aspect of the coursework, assessment tasks and/or your client cases.
Course subjects
The course is comprised of 8 core subjects. Please refer to the Student Handbook for more details.
Entry criteria
1. Completion of introductory workshops: you are required to have completed all 3 of the Academy’s introductory workshops within the past 5 years:
- An Introduction to Clinical Art & Play Therapy
- An Introduction to Sandplay Therapy
- An Introduction to Child-Centred Play Therapy
2. Registration or membership with a clinical board/association: for the duration of the course, you are required to hold full registration or membership with a relevant clinical body associated with regulating the practice of counselling, mental health/clinical social work, psychology, psychotherapy, or psychiatry in your country of work.
3. Counselling employment: You are required to have a minimum of 10 client counselling hours per week for the duration of the course.
4. Interview: admission into the course is determined by an interview with the Academy’s Director. Interviews are informal in nature and provide you with the opportunity to discuss what you would like to achieve from doing the course and any special learning needs you may have.
Delivery and support
- This course is delivered online.
- The coursework component is self-paced. You will be able to view the coursework materials and complete the coursework activities in your own time. Online support is available directly with the presenter via the discussion tab or email.
- You will receive a Welcome Starter Pack in the mail with some of the art and play materials required to participate in the art and play therapy activities covered in the course.
- The individual supervision component of the course takes place fortnightly via Zoom, and morning, afternoon and evening appointments are available. The individual supervision sessions are an opportunity for you to further explore any aspect of the coursework you wish to discuss your client cases, and to receive support in how to customise the training material to meet your specific workplace and client needs.
Optional extras
In addition to the individual supervision sessions which are included as part of this course, you also have the option of participating in group supervision sessions.
9 months part-time (36 weeks in total).
Start Date
Applications open in November 2024 and intake commences in February 2025.
Finish Date
You will have 12 months to complete the assessment tasks from the time you receive your Welcome Starter Pack and login details.
The course is designed and presented by the Academy’s director, psychologist Dr Rosa Bologna, with guest speaker presentations included throughout the course.
CPD accreditation
The course has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 220 hours of CPD. The course CPD hours can be used for your annual CPD and supervision requirements with your clinical board/association.
What you receive upon completion
- A Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art & Play Therapy testamur (you will receive a hard copy and digital copy).
- An academic transcript detailing each of the 8 subjects completed (you will receive a hard copy and digital copy).
- A CPD certificate from the Academy of Art & Play Therapy stipulating 220 hours of accredited CPD have been completed with the CPD Standards Office (UK).
Learning pathways upon completion
Once you complete the postgraduate certificate-level course, you can apply for the Academy’s Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy course.
Further information
For further information regarding the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art & Play Therapy including course subjects, assessments, and cost, please refer to the Academy’s Student Handbook.
Training Summary
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art & Play TherapyCode
Coursework and individual supervision delivered onlineEntry criteria
Completion of the Academy’s 3 introductory workshopsStart Date
February 2025Duration
9 months (part-time)Presenter
Dr Rosa BolognaCPD Accreditation
Accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 220 hours CPD
The course work component of the course is delivered online and is self-paced and therefore is ideal if you work part-time or full-time. The individual supervision component is delivered fortnightly via Zoom, and morning, afternoon and evening appointments are available.The course duration is 9 months and you will have 12 months to complete the assessment tasks.
The postgraduate diploma course has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 220 hours CPD. Both the course work and supervision components of the course can be used for your annual CPD and supervision requirements with your clinical board/association.
Upon completing the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art and Play Therapy you will be eligible to become a Registered Clinical Art & Play Therapist (ClinAPT)™ with the Academy and enrol in any of the masterclass electives the Academy offers.

Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy

This postgraduate diploma-level course will build on your foundational knowledge and skills acquired in the postgraduate certificate-level course and propel you to an advanced level practitioner in clinical art and play therapy. The course takes a deeper and more detailed exploration of some of the clinical art and play therapy practices covered in the certificate course as well introducing you to new, innovative methods and modalities. You will develop higher order thinking and practice skills such as critiquing and analysing various approaches, critically examining relevant literature, and designing and implementing your own tailored approach to clinical art and play therapy.Aims
The aim of this postgraduate diploma course is to provide 8 subjects that explore more in-depth topic areas of clinical art and play therapy practice, including:
- fairytales, myths and archetypes
- life story and identity work
- fine arts in clinical art and play therapy
- physical environment as co-therapist
- mandala-making and cyclic timelines
- advanced sandplay therapy
- case formulation and assessment for complex trauma
- filial play therapy
Case examples of child and adolescent clients are presented to illustrate the theoretical, conceptual, and practical applications outlined in the course. The course also includes interviews with Registered Clinical Art & Play Therapists (ClinAPTs)™ who share their experiences and insights about applying the course material in their counselling practices.
Course structure
The postgraduate diploma level course consists of 3 main components:
1. Coursework: the coursework is delivered online which is completed via a self-paced learning format. Coursework consists of pre-recorded lectures, video demonstrations, presentation slides, and compulsory and recommended You can view the pre-recorded content in your own time. There are quizzes, short answer questions and reflective questions throughout the coursework to help you reflect on and consolidate your learning.
2. Assessments: the assessment tasks for this course are practice-based and designed to directly relate to your workplace activities.
3. Individual supervision: individual supervision sessions take place once a fortnight via Zoom for a duration of 1.5 hours per session. Mutually convenient days and times for individual supervision sessions are organised at the beginning of each semester. The focus of individual supervision is to provide you with an opportunity to explore any aspect of the coursework, assessment tasks and/or your client cases.
Optional extras
In addition to the individual supervision sessions which are included as part of this course, you also have the option of participating in group supervision sessions.
Course subjects
The course is comprised of 8 core subjects. Please refer to the Student Handbook for more details.
Entry criteria
1. Completion of postgraduate certificate-level course: you are required to have completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art & Play Therapy within the past 5 years.
2. Registration or membership with a clinical board/association: for the duration of the course, you are required to hold full registration or membership with a relevant clinical body associated with regulating the practice of counselling, mental health/clinical social work, psychology, psychotherapy, or psychiatry in your country of work.
3. Counselling employment: You are required to have a minimum of 10 client counselling hours per week for the duration of the course.
4. Interview: admission into the course is determined by an interview with the Academy’s Director. Interviews are informal in nature and provide you with the opportunity to discuss what you would like to achieve from doing the course and any special learning needs you may have.
Delivery and support
- This course is delivered online.
- The coursework component is self-paced. You will be able to view the coursework materials and complete the coursework activities in your own time. Online support is available directly with the presenter via the discussion tab or email.
- You will receive a Welcome Starter Pack in the mail with some of the art and play materials required to participate in the art and play therapy activities covered in the course.
- The individual supervision component of the course takes place fortnightly via Zoom, and morning, afternoon and evening appointments are available. The individual supervision sessions are an opportunity for you to further explore any aspect of the coursework you wish to discuss your client cases, and to receive support in how to customise the training material to meet your specific workplace and client needs.
9 months part-time (36 weeks in total).
Start Date
Applications open in November 2025 and intake commences in February 2026.
Finish Date
You will have 12 months to complete the assessment tasks from the time you receive your Welcome Starter Pack and login details.
The course is designed and presented by the Academy’s director, psychologist Dr Rosa Bologna, with guest speaker presentations included throughout the course.
CPD accreditation
The course has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 220 hours of CPD. The course CPD hours can be used for your annual CPD and supervision requirements with your clinical board/association.
What you receive upon completion
- A Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art & Play Therapy testamur (you will receive a hard copy and digital copy).
- An academic transcript detailing each of the 8 subjects completed (you will receive a hard copy and digital copy).
- A CPD certificate from the Academy of Art & Play Therapy stipulating 220 hours of accredited CPD have been completed with the CPD Standards Office (UK).
Professional Recognition
Once you complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy you are eligible to become a Registered Clinical Art & Play Therapist (ClinAPT)™ with the Academy.
Learning pathways upon completion
Once you complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy you are eligible to apply for any of the Academy’s Masterclass Electives.
Further information
For further information regarding the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy including course subjects, assessments, and cost, please refer to the Academy’s Student Handbook.
Training Summary
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play TherapyCode
PGD301Entry criteria
Completion of the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Art & Play TherapyDELIVERY
Coursework and individual supervision delivered onlineStart Date
February 2026Duration
9 months (part-time)Presenter
Dr Rosa BolognaProfessional recognition
Eligible for registration as a Clinical Art & Play Therapist (ClinAPT)™ with the AcademyCPD Accreditation
Accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 220 CPD hours
i. Clinical art and play therapy supervision
ii. Clinical art and play therapy research
iii. Writing and publishing on clinical art and play therapy
Each elective subject can be completed on its own (i.e., you can choose which electives best match your professional interests and needs).
The course work component for each masterclass elective is delivered online and is self-paced and therefore is ideal if you work part-time or full-time. The individual supervision component is delivered via Zoom and morning, afternoon and evening appointments are available.

Clinical Art & Play Therapy Supervision

As a highly specialised area of practice, those practicing clinical art and play therapy require quality supervision by appropriately trained supervisors to assist them develop and maintain their skills in the context of their particular workplace needs. This masterclass elective subject is designed for Registered Clinical Art & Play Therapists (ClinAPTs)™ who are interested in providing clinical art and play therapy supervision to either clinical art and play therapy students or to other Registered Clinical Art & Play Therapists (ClinAPTs)™.Upon completion of this elective subject, you will be eligible for registration as a Clinical Art & Play Therapy Supervisor (ClinAPT-S)™ with the Academy.
The aim of this training is to provide core knowledge and skills used for conducting clinical art and play therapy supervision in individual and group formats. The training also aims to provide you with the necessary qualifications to be eligible for registration as a Clinical Art & Play Therapy Supervisor (ClinAPT-S)™ with the Academy.
Learning objectives
- Identify a range of relevant clinical supervision models.
- Identify and obtain relevant resources to conduct clinical supervision.
- Developing and maintain the supervisor-supervisee relationship.
- Co-develop and review supervision plans with supervisees.
- Conduct supervision with the use of art and play therapy modalities.
- Identify and establish appropriate information for distribution to supervisees.
- Identify and address transference, counter-transference and projections issues.
- Evaluate and document clinical art and play therapy supervision progress.
- Conduct supervision reviews and where relevant conclude supervision arrangements.
Course structure
Like the postgraduate certificate and diploma-level courses, the masterclass electives consist of three main components:
1. Coursework: the coursework is delivered online which is completed via a self-paced learning format. Coursework consists of pre-recorded lectures, video demonstrations, presentation slides, and compulsory and recommended You can view the pre-recorded content in your own time. There are quizzes, short answer questions and reflective questions throughout the coursework to help you reflect on and consolidate your learning.
2. Assessments: the assessment tasks for this elective are practice-based and designed to directly relate to your workplace activities.
3. Individual supervision: individual supervision sessions take place once a fortnight via Zoom for a duration of 1.5 hours per session. Mutually convenient days and times for individual supervision sessions are organised at the beginning of each semester. The focus of individual supervision is to provide you with an opportunity to explore any aspect of the coursework, assessment tasks and/or your client cases.
Entry criteria
Registration as a Clinical Art & Play Therapist (ClinAPT)™ with the Academy.
Delivery and support
- The coursework component of the masterclass elective is self-paced. You will be able to view the coursework materials and complete the coursework activities in your own time. Online support is available directly with the presenter via the discussion tab or email.
- You will receive a Welcome Starter Pack in the mail with the art and play materials required to participate in the art and play therapy activities covered in the elective subject.
- This elective subject provides the option of participating in a supervision retreat with fellow students and guest speakers.
- The individual supervision component of the course takes places fortnightly via Zoom, and morning, afternoon and evening appointments are available. The individual supervision sessions are an opportunity for you to further explore any aspect of the coursework you wish, to discuss your client cases, and to receive support in how to customise the training material to meet your specific workplace and client needs.
6 months part-time (24 weeks in total).
Start date
To be advised.
Finish date
You will have 9 months to complete the masterclass elective activities from the time you receive your Welcome Starter Pack and login details.
What’s included
- A Welcome Starter Pack with art and play therapy resources sent to you via mail (postal tracking number provided).
- Exclusive access to the Academy’s online Learning Management System (LMS).
- Self-paced access to course presentations.
- Digital copy of presentation handouts which can be downloaded and printed.
- Online Q&A with the presenter.
- Online group chat with other participants (optional).
- Resource list and reading list of relevant art and play therapy texts, articles, and research papers to assist you implement the course material.
- Exclusive access to the Academy’s private blog.
- Fortnightly individual supervision consisting of 1 ½ hour sessions.
Optional extras
In additional to individual supervision sessions which are part of the elective, you have the option of participating in group supervision sessions which are not compulsory and charged in addition to the course fees.
The masterclass elective is designed and presented by the Academy’s director, psychologist Dr Rosa Bologna, with guest speakers included in the presentation of the elective.
What you receive upon completion
- An academic transcript detailing the masterclass elective you have completed.
- A certificate of completion from the Academy of Art & Play Therapy stipulating 150 CPD hours have been completed.
Professional recognition
Eligible for registration as a Clinical Art & Play Therapy Supervisor (ClinAPT-S)™ with the Academy of Art & Play Therapy.
Further information
For further information about this masterclass elective, please refer to the Student Handbook.
Training Summary
Clinical Art & Play Therapy SupervisionCode
Coursework and individual supervision delivered online
Entry criteria
Registration as a Clinical Art & Play Therapist (ClinAPT)™
Start Date
To be advised
6 months (part-time)
Dr Rosa Bologna
Professional recognition
Eligible for registration as a Clinical Art & Play Therapy Supervisor (ClinAPT-S)™ with the Academy
CPD hours
150 hours CPD
Clinical Art & Play Therapy Research

Research on clinical art and play therapy practice provides valuable guidance for practitioners in terms of understanding and engaging in best practice. Historically, counselling practitioners are under-represented in conducting research, with much of the research conducted by academics in non-practice settings. The absence of counselling practitioners’ involvement in research, particularly practice-based research, has meant that topics and issues directly pertinent to practice are often not researched and therefore largely absent from the research literature.Aims
This masterclass elective provides you with the opportunity to deeper understand clinical practice-based research methodologies in naturalistic settings and the processes involved in exploring topics and issues relevant to clinical art and play therapy practice to create new understanding and knowledge in the field. This elective also aims to assist you prepare a Master’s by Research or PhD proposal.
Learning objectives
- Define and critique practice-based methodologies and methods.
- Identify ethical considerations when conducting practice-based research.
- Define and critique key principles and features of arts-based expressive research approaches.
- Identify key components of a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) proposal.
- Identify common obstacles encountered when conducting a HDR project.
- Identify key considerations when choosing a research supervisor and creating a supervisory agreement.
- Identify key considerations and processes involved in choosing a research topic for a HDR project.
- Choose a HDR research topic and conduct a literature review identifying gaps in knowledge.
- Develop primary and secondary research questions for your HDR research.
- Develop a HDR research proposal including key components required by your Higher Education provider.
Course structure
Like the postgraduate certificate and diploma-level courses, the masterclass electives consist of three main components:
1. Coursework: the coursework is delivered online which is completed via a self-paced learning format. Coursework consists of pre-recorded lectures, video demonstrations, presentation slides, and compulsory and recommended You can view the pre-recorded content in your own time. There are quizzes, short answer questions and reflective questions throughout the coursework to help you reflect on and consolidate your learning.
2. Assessments: the assessment tasks for this elective are practice-based and designed to directly relate to your workplace activities.
3. Individual supervision: individual supervision sessions take place once a fortnight via Zoom for a duration of 1.5 hours per session. Mutually convenient days and times for individual supervision sessions are organised at the beginning of each semester. The focus of individual supervision is to provide you with an opportunity to explore any aspect of the coursework, assessment tasks and/or your client cases.
Entry criteria
Completion of the Academy’s Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy.
Delivery and support
- The coursework component of the masterclass elective is self-paced. You will be able to view the coursework materials and complete the coursework activities in your own time. Online support is available directly with the presenter via the discussion tab or email.
- You will receive a Welcome Starter Pack in the mail with the art and play materials required to participate in the art and play therapy activities covered in the elective subject.
- The individual supervision component of the course takes places fortnightly via Zoom, and morning, afternoon and evening appointments are available. The individual supervision sessions are an opportunity for you to further explore any aspect of the coursework you wish, to discuss your client cases, and to receive support in how to customise the training material to meet your specific workplace and client needs.
6 months part-time (24 weeks in total).
Start date
To be advised.
Finish date
You will have 9 months to complete the masterclass elective activities from the time you receive your Welcome Starter Pack and login details.
What’s included
- A Welcome Starter Pack with art and play therapy resources sent to you via mail (postal tracking number provided).
- Exclusive access to the Academy’s online Learning Management System (LMS).
- Self-paced access to course presentations.
- Digital copy of presentation handouts which can be downloaded and printed.
- Online Q&A with the presenter.
- Online group chat with other participants (optional).
- Resource list and reading list of relevant art and play therapy texts, articles, and research papers to assist you implement the course material.
- Exclusive access to the Academy’s private blog.
- Fortnightly individual supervision consisting of 1 ½ hour sessions.
Optional extras
In additional to individual supervision sessions which are part of the course, you have the option of participating in group supervision sessions which are not compulsory and charged in addition to the course fees.
The masterclass elective is designed and presented by the Academy’s director, psychologist Dr Rosa Bologna, with guest speakers included in the presentation of the elective.
CPD accreditation
The masterclass elective has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (UK) for 30 hours of CPD. The workshop CPD hours can be used for your annual CPD requirements with your clinical board/association.
What you receive upon completion
- An academic transcript detailing the masterclass elective you have completed.
- A certificate of completion from the Academy of Art & Play Therapy stipulating 30 CPD hours of accredited CPD have been completed with the CPD Standards Office (UK).
Learning pathways upon completion
After completing this masterclass elective, you may wish to apply for a Master’s by Research degree or PhD via the Transdisciplinary (TD) School at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) who we have a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) partnership with.
Further information
For further information about this masterclass elective, please refer to the Student Handbook.
Training Summary
Clinical Art & Play Therapy ResearchCode
Coursework and individual supervision delivered online
Entry criteria
Completion of the Academy’s Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy
Start Date
To be advised
6 months (part-time)
Dr Rosa Bologna
Learning pathways
CPD hours
150 hours CPD
Writing and Publishing on Clinical Art & Play Therapy

One of the most important ways to share knowledge, whether it’s knowledge derived from research or knowledge derived from practice wisdom, is to publish our findings so they are made accessible to others in the art and play therapy and wider counselling community. This masterclass elective has been designed for counselling practitioners who wish to develop their writing skills and publish on topics associated with clinical art and play therapy practice. Given the under-representation of client and practitioner voices in the clinical art and play therapy literature, this elective will provide a particular focus on developing writing narratives that represent marginalised voices and experiences in the art and play therapy field.Aims
This masterclass elective has been designed for counselling practitioners who would like to explore a range of creative writing options to publish their work. It covers the knowledge and skills used for writing for a range of relevant industry publication formats including book chapters, book reviews, blogs, social networks, magazine articles, and journal articles.
Learning objectives
- Identify and critique a range of relevant industry publication formats.
- Identify ethical considerations when writing and publishing on clinical art and play therapy practice for different formats.
- Engage in a range of decision-making tools to assist choose a topic for your writing project.
- Choose a relevant publication format for your writing project.
- Develop a writing practice plan.
- Evaluate your writing by seeking and incorporating feedback from peers in the field.
- Identify and adhere to submission requirements for your writing publication.
- Work collaboratively with editors on the feedback you receive on your writing.
Course structure
Like the postgraduate certificate and diploma-level courses, the masterclass electives consist of three main components:
1. Coursework: the coursework is delivered online which is completed via a self-paced learning format. Coursework consists of pre-recorded lectures, video demonstrations, presentation slides, and compulsory and recommended You can view the pre-recorded content in your own time. There are quizzes, short answer questions and reflective questions throughout the coursework to help you reflect on and consolidate your learning.
2. Assessments: the assessment tasks for this elective are practice-based and designed to directly relate to your workplace activities.
3. Individual supervision: individual supervision sessions take place once a fortnight via Zoom for a duration of 1.5 hours per session. Mutually convenient days and times for individual supervision sessions are organised at the beginning of each semester. The focus of individual supervision is to provide you with an opportunity to explore any aspect of the coursework, assessment tasks and/or your client cases.
Entry criteria
Completion of the Academy’s Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy.
Delivery and support
- The coursework component of the masterclass elective is self-paced. You will be able to view the coursework materials and complete the coursework activities in your own time. Online support is available directly with the presenter via the discussion tab or email.
- You will receive a Welcome Starter Pack in the mail with the art and play materials required to participate in the art and play therapy activities covered in the elective subject.
- The individual supervision component of the course takes places fortnightly via Zoom, and morning, afternoon and evening appointments are available. The individual supervision sessions are an opportunity for you to further explore any aspect of the coursework you wish, to discuss your client cases, and to receive support in how to customise the training material to meet your specific workplace and client needs.
6 months part-time (24 weeks in total).
Start date
To be advised.
Finish date
You will have 9 months to complete the masterclass elective activities from the time you receive your Welcome Starter Pack and login details.
What’s included
- A Welcome Starter Pack with art and play therapy resources sent to you via mail (postal tracking number provided).
- Exclusive access to the Academy’s online Learning Management System (LMS).
- Self-paced access to course presentations.
- Digital copy of presentation handouts which can be downloaded and printed.
- Online Q&A with the presenter.
- Online group chat with other participants (optional).
- Resource list and reading list of relevant art and play therapy texts, articles, and research papers to assist you implement the course material.
- Exclusive access to the Academy’s private blog.
- Fortnightly individual supervision consisting of 1 ½ hour sessions.
Optional extras
In additional to individual supervision sessions which are part of the course, you have the option of participating in group supervision sessions which are not compulsory and charged in addition to the course fees.
The masterclass elective is designed and presented by the Academy’s director, psychologist Dr Rosa Bologna, with guest speakers included in the presentation of the elective.
What you receive upon completion
- An academic transcript detailing the masterclass elective you have completed.
- A certificate of completion from the Academy of Art & Play Therapy stipulating 150 CPD hours have been completed with the CPD Standards Office (UK).
Professional pathways upon completion
After completing this masterclass elective, you may wish to submit and publish your work in any number of publications. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to publish your work in the Academy’s Anthology Series and other books edited and published by the Academy.
Further information
For further information about this masterclass elective, please refer to the Student Handbook.
Training Summary
Writing and Publishing on Clinical Art & Play TherapyCode
Coursework and individual supervision delivered online
Entry criteria
Completion of the Academy’s Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy
Start Date
To be advised
6 months (part-time)
Dr Rosa Bologna
Professional pathways
CPD hours
150 CPD hours
Our partnership with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

The Academy of Art & Play Therapy has partnered with the Transdisciplinary (TD) School at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to provide a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) pathway for graduates of the Academy’s Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Art & Play Therapy course. This pathway includes enrolling in either a Master’s by Research or PhD (depending on your previous qualifications).
This exciting partnership provides you with the unique opportunity to explore and research clinical art and play therapy practice issues from a transdisciplinary perspective. It involves being supervised by a team of academic and industry experts from the TD School and the Academy who work collaboratively to assist you with your HDR research.